People's history of the Punjab: Birth of revivalist movements
Dr Manzur Ejaz taught at the Punjab University, Lahore, for many years and now lives in Virginia |
Brahmoism, creed, doctrine and its founders: genesis of Adi Dharm
Ram Mohan Roy, DwarkaNath Tagore, DebendraNath Tagore, HemendraNath Tagore. Adi Brahmo Samaj, Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. Trust Deed. 9 Pillars of Brahmoism. Articles of faith. 1828, 1830, 1839, 1843, 1866, 1878.
Dr Manzur Ejaz taught at the Punjab University, Lahore, for many years and now lives in Virginia |
Beliefs of the Brahmo Samaj (as rendered by Raj Narayan Bose - as President of the Adi Brahmo Samaj)
I. The Book of Nature and Intuition form the basis of the Brahmo faith.
II. Although Brahmos do not consider any book, written by man as the basis of our religion, yet we accept, with respect and pleasure, any truth contained in any book.
III. Brahmos believe that the religious condition of man, is progressive like the other parts of his condition in this world.
IV. Brahmos believe that the fundamental doctrines of Brahmoism are at the basis of every religion, followed by man.
V. Brahmos believe in the existence of One Supreme God� "a God, endowed with a distinct personality & moral attributes equal to His nature, and intelligence befitting the Governor of the Universe," and worship Him�Him alone. We do not believe in His incarnations.
VI. Brahmos believe in the immortality and progressive state of the Soul and declare that there is a "state of conscious existence succeeding life in this world, and suplementary to it, as respects the action of the universal moral government."
VII. Brahmos believe that love of Him, and performing the works He loveth, constitute His worship.
VIII. Brahmos believe that worhip of Him needs no fixed place or time. "We can adore Him at any time and at any place, provided that time and that place are calculated to compose and direct the mind towards Him."
IX. Brahmos do not perform any rites or ceremonies, or believe in penances, as instrumental in obtaining the grace of God. We declare that moral righteousness, the gaining of wisdom, Divine contemplation, charity and the cultivation of devotional feelings, are our rites and ceremonies. We further say, govern and regulate your feelings, discharge your duties to God and to man, and you will gain everlasting blessedness,purify jour heart, cultivate devotional feelings, and you will see Him who is Unseen.
X. Theoretically, there is no distinction of caste among Brahmos. We declare that we are all part of God, and, therefore, must consider ourselves as one.
(c) 2009 World Council of Brahmo SamajDoctrine of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj
1) Faith in a Supreme Being and in Existence after Death is natural to man;
2) We regard the relation between God and men to be direct and immediate;
3) We do not believe in the infallibility of any man or any scripture ;
4) Whatever book contains truths calculated to ennoble the soul or elevate the character is a Brahmo's scripture, and whoever teaches such truths is his teacher and guide;
5) We regard the belief in an individual being a way to salvation, or a link between God and Man, as an unworthy belief, and those who hold such belief as unworthy of the Brahmo name;
6) We consider it to be blasphemy and an insult to the Majesty of Heaven to claim Divine inspiration for any act opposed to the dictates of reason, truth, and morality;
7) We regard the culture of faith at the sacrifice of reason, or the culture of reason at the sacrifice of faith as equally defective, and as fruitful sources of evil in the religious world;
8) We consider love of God and doing the will of God as equally imperative in the routine of a Brahmo's life;
9) We regard the worship of one God as the highest of a Brahmo's duties and as the best of means to improve the soul and the neglect of it as a way to spiritual death.
More information on Sadharan Brahmo Samaj
Doctrine of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj
1) Faith in a Supreme Being and in Existence after Death is natural to man;
2) We regard the relation between God and men to be direct and immediate;
3) We do not believe in the infallibility of any man or any scripture ;
4) Whatever book contains truths calculated to ennoble the soul or elevate the character is a Brahmo's scripture, and whoever teaches such truths is his teacher and guide;
5) We regard the belief in an individual being a way to salvation, or a link between God and Man, as an unworthy belief, and those who hold such belief as unworthy of the Brahmo name;
6) We consider it to be blasphemy and an insult to the Majesty of Heaven to claim Divine inspiration for any act opposed to the dictates of reason, truth, and morality;
7) We regard the culture of faith at the sacrifice of reason, or the culture of reason at the sacrifice of faith as equally defective, and as fruitful sources of evil in the religious world;
8) We consider love of God and doing the will of God as equally imperative in the routine of a Brahmo's life;
9) We regard the worship of one God as the highest of a Brahmo's duties and as the best of means to improve the soul and the neglect of it as a way to spiritual death.
More information on Sadharan Brahmo Samaj
What is the teachings of the Brahmo Dharma ?
The religious system unfolded in the Brahma Dharma is that of the Upanishads, with some infusion of modern ideas.
Examples of directions in Brahmo Dharma given to seekers after God :
To know Him, one should go to the spiritual teacher. To whom comes the pupil of entirely peaceful and well regulated mind, the knower of God, should communicate the particulars of divine knowledge by which is known the Being, undecaying, perfect, and true. He, who is wise, of regulated mind, and is always pure, attains that station after which one is not born again.
The lesser knowledge is the Rig-Yeda, the Yajur Yeda, the SamaVeda, the Atharva Yeda etc. The higher knowledge is that contemplation by which the Eternal is known.
Contemplate God through Om, and let welfare attend thee, as thou crossest the darkness of ignorance.
By means of Om, the knower of God obtaineth Him who is all-tranquil, without decay, without death, without fear, the all excellent. We contemplate the adorable power and glory of the Being divine, who brought forth the world. Silence, Silence, Silence !!!"